EMC carries out servicing a little differently than most of the shops around Bedford.

Mobile Servicing: Typically, most work can be carried out on the day on your doorstep. Assuming you have a driveway or garage that you allow us to work in, most jobs can be completed on the spot.

Collection & Drop off: If more complex work is to be carried out, EMC prefers to take the bike to the unit & drop it back to you at a convenient time. Tier 3 work includes a full strip down, full clean and putting it back together. Technical parts like free hubs and headsets are best serviced in a well lit and organised place.

EMC’s tier system is laid out below. If you’re still unsure which one to book your bike under, select “I’m not sure” and we’ll be in touch to discuss your situation.


  • £35. Basic adjustments.

    General adjustments made to the gears, brakes & tyre pressures.

    This service takes 20 minutes

  • £60. The most common level of servicing, replacing all cables & servicing both hubs and headset.

    This usually takes 45 minuets to complete & is recommended to be carried out every 6 months.

  • £149.99 For those relying on their bikes for commuting or group rides.

    Consisting of a full strip down, this includes a full clean & rebuild.

    Tends to take 2.5 hours and requires an area to wash the bike. (We do not require your electric or water)

    It is advised that a T3 is carried out once a year.

Full disassembly & clean
Freehub ratchet cleaned
Rear hub bearing regrets
Headset bearing service
Freehub servicing