“What is S106 and how does EMC provide solutions for both developers and local authorities?”

A Section 106 agreement is a legal agreement between a local authority and a developer. It’s part of the planning process and makes sure new developments benefit the community. When a developer wants to build something (majority being new housing in our case), the council often asks them to contribute to things that will cause impact on the existing area if not managed, like:

  • Transport: Improving roads, adding bus stops, or building cycle paths.

  • Environmental consideration: Improving the air quality, which is majorly affected by the increase of cars, especially when used for short trips.

  • Community engagement: Ensuring the residents have a contact that feedback on local services.

How do our sessions play a role in S106 agreements?

Local authorities have dedicated teams to survey habits, remove barriers and support the change of behaviour which leads to habits that support the bigger picture. Where big infrastructure projects may claim bold headlines, communities often find engagement events a good sign they’re being supported and gives the residents a chance to communicate with the developer / council. The construction of cycle lanes and secure shelters are a good way of making cycling easier; with our services it’s a way of offering ongoing support on the ground and encourage behaviour change.

Dr Bike is a crucial part of removing the barriers to travelling sustainably. By removing the cost from residents and staff by offering free cycling repairs, we ensure that bikes are in a constant safe to ride condition, without taking it to shop to, waiting weeks and having costly repairs. Cycle paths, road markings and storage mean nothing if the community do not have roadworthy bicycles!

Marianne, Cambridgeshire County Council;

“EMC work with us in Cambridgeshire by supporting our implementation of Travel Plans at large new build developments, large business parks and schools all across the region. Ethan delivers a bespoke and reliable service at each of our areas and greatly assists us in behaviour change initiatives by removing barriers to safe, active travel.

They attend all community engagement events with us and every single member of the public or staff who have had their bike serviced by Ethan are left extremely happy with his work and demeanour.

EMC also shares other sustainable transport initiatives with customers and explains the importance of the work he carries out through funding secured in S106 obligations and works required in the Travel Plan. Smart journeys and Cambridgeshire County Council highly recommend EMC and are proud to be championing his services, we wouldn’t trust our projects with anyone else! Thanks so much for all your hard work Ethan!”